Vision and values

EDS is neutral (non-religious, non-political) and open for everyone. Our target group is vulnerable children and youth and economically poor people. EDS is free, with no tuition fees. Our vision is a global community where every child feels loved, valued and empowered to create positive change. Where every child gets an education that sparks curiosity, imagination, exploration and initiatives for sustainable development. Our mission is to empower children and youth to be change agents for sustainable development based on the UN child and human rights. Our actions are based on the values love, equality, compassion, commitment, endurance and integrity. We have faith in the transformative potential of each child and youth. These EDS principles guide us:

  1. Every child is a valuable resource who can contribute to a more humane world and a sustainable development.
  2. Create a child friendly learning environment in EDS, at home, at school and in the community.
  3. Children develop as holistic human beings. They get responsibility to run EDS and develop life skills through learning by doing.
  4. Children become honest, reflective change agents and leaders who give other children education, support and guidance.
  5. Children advocate for child and human rights and motivate parents, schools, politicians and bureaucrats to create a safe and child friendly environment where children are heard and seen.
  6. EDS and international children/youth crate shared understanding and inspire and motivate each other about education, to believe in own ability to learn and be change agents for sustainable development.
  7. We develop EDS through action research/learning and share our findings through scientific publications.