

Hafiz’ focus has always been to develop the EDS change agents’ feelings for other children, youth and economically poor and help each other. We believe that feelings and empathy are driving forces for sustainable development, not money. Therefore, we mentor vulnerable children and youth to develop and use their inner resources (will, knowledge, good values, hope, commitment, compassion, ability to connect, motivate and act for positive change) to mentor and teach other vulnerable children/youth to get education, develop critical thinking and good values so they take positive initiatives for themselves, their family and their community. Do you want to acknowledge he work of the EDS change agents? Read, comment and share their work on Facebook, YouTube or visit EDS. Since Hafiz was a youth, he has used his economic resources to buy school materials for the EDS children as they are economically poor. At first he tutored rich children and used those earnings, from 2005 he used parts of his Norad scholarship and later he used savings from his work. “People advised me (Hafiz) to not give poor children economic support for education, because then I would become poor myself. People said I could help poor children when I got rich. I knew that if I didn’t help the poor children now (2005), it would be too late for them. They could not wait because they were at risk of destroying their lives by dropping out of school followed by or due to drug abuse, illegal activities, child marriage or child labor. I could not eat when my young friends had nothing. So, I decided to use the little money I had and see how I could support the children”. Hafiz did not want external funding for EDS, but rising food prices and unemployment rates due to Covid-19, made us decide to open for EDS membership and donations in 2021. All EDS money is used to ensure that vulnerable children and youth get education and become change agents who help children and youth in their community. The children and youth attend EDS for free. We use our economic resources on:

  • Educational stipend so youth with no means of bearing their educational expenses can access high school and higher education. This stipend is to youth who have been EDS volunteers for years and shown dedication to help others get education.
  • Learning materials for EDS students
  • Excursion to the fish farm where the EDS change agents have picnic, enjoy and arrange practical science classes
  • Yearly picnic for 400 children and youth, arranged by the EDS change agents
  • Sports equipment and games
  • social business initiatives by the EDS change agents
  • support vulnerable families around EDS during crisis. During Covid-19 EDS change agents delivered food.