Hafiz started teaching children in Mosherpasha, Khulna, Bangladesh, when he was around 12 years old.

EDS started at the roof of Hafiz’ childhood home

When he went to Norway for studies, he motivated Alamin to continue teaching the children. Alamin convinced his parents to let him teach the children in his bedroom.

Increasingly more students came as they enjoyed being with Alamin. Hafiz bought the first EDS house from own savings from his Norad scholarship and his PhD salary.

The first EDS house

As the news spread how Alamin was teaching children in friendly ways through games and made learning comprehensible, manageable and meaningful for the students, increasingly more students came from further away. When students in the industrial areas of Shonali and Ajax requested Alamin to open EDS branches there as the children there often worked in the factories and needed quality education, Alamin made an agreement with the headmasters of the schools in Shonali and Ajax to use their classrooms after school time for EDS. …..children and youth received education from EDS in those two areas. When the Shonali and Ajax jute mills closed down in …, the schools closed, the families living there moved and we closed our EDS branches there.

However, the number of EDS students continued to grow, so Hafiz used his savings to construct a new EDS house.

The current EDS house

We also teach children in the Shishu Pali governmental orphanage and the Yousuf school.